Data Made Easy

Put your data into action with our virtual assistant or business intelligence consulting

Our Data Tools

We specialize in personalized virtual assistants and other tools to help you make sense of your content and marketing data.

Mobile app

Carl for Social

Create more powerful content. Carl, our virtual data assistant, helps content creators, from influencers to marketing experts, understand their data from various social media.

Analytics snapshot showing 248.6K views for 'Top 5 Holiday Tips' social post
Notification with text: "Unfortunately, this video is very below average in every aspect."

Intuitive app suggests high-impact actions


Friendly notifications in real time


Trending topics for up-to-date content

Analytics snapshot showing 320K reach and 248.6K views for 'Top 5 Holiday Tips' social post
Notification with text: "Unfortunately, this video is very below average in every aspect."
Notification with text: "People are dropping out in the first 30 seconds. Mention the video's main topic at the beginning and try to address these trends."
Email notification showing article 'Happiness Habits' with performance stars
Notification with text: "To increase reach, post the article on Facebook."
Notification with text: "Changing keywords or the meta title could help the article."

Email notifications

Carl for Media

A helpful tool for journalists, editors, and editors-in-chief. Our assistant quickly evaluates article or video performance and offers precise content tips to reach high reader satisfaction and business success.

Email notification showing article 'Happiness Habits' with performance stars
Notification with text: "Changing keywords or the meta title could help the article."

Actions to improve content performance


Email inbox notifications with trending topics


Article and author performance

Interactive dashboard

Carl for Brand

Optimize your content strategy with Carl for Brand. Our AI-driven data models provide precise insights, empowering you to measure and enhance the impact of your content and collaborations.

Illustration of dashboard showing various data and charts
YouTube, Instagram and TikTok icons

Track over 100,000 brands across formats


Get tailored, clickable custom analyses


Evaluate and compare content marketing effectiveness

Illustration of dashboard showing various data and charts
YouTube icon

Carl Data Consulting Services

We specialize in translating complex data into understandable actions. Whether through our concise reports or the virtual assistants, we help you focus on the essential data insights to achieve your business objectives.

Website Analytics

We provide expert services for websites of all sizes related to Google Analytics 4. We’ve already supported more than 55 brands.

Learn more →


Data Engineering

Our experienced data engineering team can assist you in connecting, structuring, and comprehending your company data.

Predictive Modeling

Whether you’re aiming to boost sales, or optimize warehousing, we can help you achieve remarkable business savings.

Marketing Analytics

We’ll help you evaluate what’s working for you, identify opportunities or determine which clients to reach through targeted marketing initiatives.

Our clients:

Our Succes Stories

Carl for Media, the interactive data assistant app, helped Czech economic journalists in E15 newspaper improve their performance by 41%. What did we do?

Media website and newspaper layout comparison for E15 case study

Shared instant actionable data tips to enhance recently published article readership.


Provided authors with a notification containing preliminary results and specific recommendations just one hour after publication.


Resulted in a 41% increase in quality reads and time spent on articles within one month.


Journalists involved in the experiment


Journalists included in the exposed group


Increase in readers’ time spent on articles

Media website and newspaper layout comparison for E15 case study

Can We Help You?

We've got your back when it comes to data, or if you simply want to hang out over a cup of coffee.

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